Friday 24 June 2011

MotionPerfect v4.03

Motion Perfect allows you to do some very interesting things.   First, the most obvious, is to repair a damaged video that has missing frames (gaps).  These gaps are often caused by delays in the capture camera or when compressing.
By a similar logic, Motion Perfect can enhance the change of video  frame rates.  Not just adjusted down (fewer frames), but it can enhance when the frame rate moves higher (requires MORE frames than the original).   

For example, if you had a 10 second, 10 fps video (100 frames total) from the web, it might not be very good to watch because the action is jerky at that slow frame rate.  Using MotionPerfect, you could change the frame rate to 30 fps (frames per second), while keeping it 10 seconds long.   To have 30 fps for 10 seconds requires 3 times as many frames as the original 10 fps video.  They must be “created.”

Inside, MotionPerfect, these 100 original frames are spaced out in “30-fps time” of 10 seconds by leaving a 2-frame gap between the original frames.  Now, we have a 10-second, 30-fps video with gaps.   This is good, because this is MotionPerfect’s big trick – filling gaps.  MotionPerfect creates 200 new frames required to create smooth motion at 30 fps. 

This same process enhances slow motion.  For example, change a 10 second video into a 100 second video and each successive original frame is now separated by 9 “missing” frames.   These 9-frame gaps can be calculated and filled in by MotionPerfect.   Great, smooth slow motion.

These are just the simplest thing you can do with MotionPerfect.  After you have it a while, you will think of new things.  Please email us and share the new tricks.  We love to hear from you.

Also Use MotionPerfect to:
  • Analyze the internal components of an AVI video file including dropped frames and gaps in the video
  • Change the compression type of a file – great when friends can’t read the original format.

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